"Unique Art for Eccentric People"


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"Unique Art for Eccentric People"


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A blast from the past. My earliest artwork.

You can’t know where you’re going until you know where you have been…I think… I actually don’t know if that is true.

Well congratulations to me for digging deep! After that whole “Was I born an artist?” thing I decided to take a trip down memory lane because my Mom saved almost EVERYTHING my sister and I made as children. What exactly was I capable of at 6, 8, and 14? In truth, I wish there was no paper trail but since it exists and I started to wonder, here we are. Sit back and be prepared to be extremely underwhelmed.

6 years old.

My 10 year old Guinea Pig Edwin.

My version of a capybara… a guinea pigs relative ancestrally. Yes I am still obsessed with Guinea Pigs.

So, I was 6 and half years old when I sketched these. Not too bad for a barely literate child. But I digress, lets move on to age 7, 8, and 9.

My bird phase.

The majestic icon of our country. Even as a small child I have always had an immense love of America. Thankfully my skills got better.
I had a lovely theme and name already picked out. Not sure why though.
I was 9. Not bad eh?
My rather extravagant feather rendition.

Birds were a real obsession for me, just like guinea pigs. Not sure why exactly but I do recall that they were the most readily available subject matter to sketch as they were always in our yard eating worms.

As I grew older I began to attempt to mastering my craft. These two gems were my first paintings worth saving. Worth is a word I use loosely…

I was really obsessed with heavy equipment as a kid.
Hobo with large finger nails and toe nails…no idea why.

I really wish I knew what my inspiration was for this one. I mean, it’s not bad per say, but why a hobo with long ugly toe nails?

The pieces below were done when I was 10/11 ish. Thankfully I do seem to be getting better with time.

Not bad for 10 years old!
Yeah, I guess I started kicking ass early

This next set of artwork is actually another story all on it’s own. That post will follow after this one. Believe me, it is a hilariously wonderful story. On to the artwork. Around the age of 11 I became completely devoted to becoming a werewolf. I know, fun right? Well, I also started drawing them. Enjoy!

Isn’t the contrast of the blood and the white paper glorious?!!

I like that they kind of look like a saber tooth tigers and wolves combined. A very interesting take on werewolves. On to age 14 and 15. I think we can all agree, thankfully, I got better and well, the rest is history.

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