As I said in one of my other articles, I would go through the process of applying to galleries and others if you are just starting out as an artist or creative creation person.
I knew I needed to have some form of presence to get “found” or whatever it is that people say, “picked up” maybe? Anyway. I had a website which was a great start, curtsey of Weballin1 an excellent web designer that frequently gets panic calls me. From there, I did the only thing I knew that worked. Big google searches for local based companies (galleries, gift shops, hotels, pubs/breweries, or anything that fits) and emailed them my portfolio, which these days is usually just a link to your website. I ALWAYS attach at least 3 small images to pique interest in the work.
It ends up looking like this:
I hope all is well on your end. My name is Holly Putman, I am a charcoal artist located on the Oregon Coast. I really enjoyed your company website and thought that my art would be a good fit. I have attached a few images below and have included a link to my two most popular portfolios.
“Oceanic Commentary”
“Perfectly Absurd”
Thank you for your time.
Short sweet and to the point. I like to open with something they likely don’t read a lot, hence the “I hope all is well on your end” it adds a bit of personal touch to the email. This was how I got into 2 local galleries. A personal email and a link. It is also how I got my show in March 2022 at the Black Squid Brewery. One VERY important note about applying to galleries online, browse their website first! You need to see if your art is a match.
Don’t go applying to a pop art gallery if you do landscape oil paintings, you are setting yourself up for a soft no. Secondly, READ the submission guidelines!!!!! I cannot stress this enough. Often, you just need to send an email with links, but sometimes they want exactly 6 samples at 72 dpi no larger than 1MB with a specific subject line title and a simple Artist Bio. Read, read, read.
Often, a person will blow past local galleries and just shoot for an online clientele, with art and being self-employed, diversity is key. A lot of people forget to try local before breaking the internet. My art is versatile and fits with pubs and restaurants and gift shops well. I often tailor that email as more of a “do you do local artist exhibitions” or “would you be interested in partnering with me”.
Soon to follow: what an exhibition package is.
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