“I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down”
Hooch, hosiery, and happiness
This has been my favorite subject matter by far in my “Oceanic Commentary” series. It also took me a while to figure out how I wanted portray women in this series. I struggled with the visual concept for a couple of months. I really felt that the women should be distinct and consistent. That left me struggling with what creature to pick to represent the ladies, and what time period I wanted to immortalize them in.
Was there ever a more elaborate interesting time than the 1920’s? Probably, but not to me. The dresses were eccentric, the jewelry was magnificent, and women were just starting to gain an independence that would eventually lead to the great creation of twerking as a crowd pleaser…I digress, the point is the 20’s were a fascinating time in human culture and visually stunning.
I settled on the lovely grouper fish for my ladies, as I knew I wanted a fish instead of a sea creature to represent women and I wanted large lips to help add to the female form. Boy howdy did I pick the right fish! Those lips are perfect. When I first selected the grouper fish I knew almost nothing about it, I mean aside from the fact you could eat it. I have since found this fish to be SUPER interesting.
- Groupers can change the color of their bodies to blend into the background.
- Groupers are born as mature females but change their sex depending on reproductive needs of the species.
- Groupers can live over 50 years
- There are some species of grouper that can weigh up to 1000lbs. That’s basically a horse underwater!
Fricken cool right? Perfect lady fish
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